Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8
What the hell time is it, Nnedi? And, if that was Gödel,
Escher, and Bach, I never want to hear them again. What were
they, an experimental punk band from the early
Nnedia woke me up suddenly, and not in
a normal
way. More like a freaking fire
I apologize for waking you so rudely. It was, however,
necessary. Michael and Martin need your permission to wake Malik
and Nah'Sequa. I also recommend checking in with Maria, so she
can wake Omar, if you allow. It is about the OpenAfrica update,
and it is both serious and time-sensitive. Were it not, I would
not have awakened you.
Really, Nnedi? A double negative while I'm still half
asleep? Give me a break. So, important enough to wake me up, and
we need to wake them up too? ... Oh, the OA update? Shit. That
Everything about that OA update had me worried
from the start — the lack of details; the sudden major
release. Never did that before
usually isn't a good
That bad and then some. Tade warned me of an attack in
progress, so we immediately authorized and initiated the OA
update for everyone in the family. The update seems to protect
against at least that attack, and perhaps others. Unfortunately,
Shikibu was affected and is currently down. You'll have to talk
to your sister irl for a few hours, at least. We should have an
update on Shikibu by about mid-morning. However, right now, we
are worried about Michael and Martin.
You contacted them, right? They can update. ... But, if
that was the case, you wouldn't need to wake me, right? What's
the situation?
You are correct: the situation is that they cannot
auto-update. Michael does not have permission to do so, and
Martin does not even have the ability. Thus, we should wake
Malik and Nah'Sequa so that they can start the updates. Their
agents' operating systems are also based on affected OA
Shit. Fuck. Shitfuck. Don't waste time talking to me. Do
it already.
Michael and Martin have accepted that as permission to
wake their wards. Maria replied that they are waiting on the
proprietary update and can do nothing yet. She sees no reason to
wake Omar, but will be on the lookout for the attack that we
experienced. By the way, the current time is about 3:40 AM. You
will no doubt be yelled at shortly. You're welcome.
I'm sure Malik and Nah'Sequa will forgive us when they
understand the situation. If not, you can nuke them from orbit,
right? For the record, by
I mean Michael and Martin,
not their humans.
I see your taste in movies is expanding a bit, though
still stuck in the previous century. I will not be
anyone, from orbit or otherwise, but I agree that they should
understand the reason for our actions, once they process the
What the fuck, bitch?
Yup, Nah'Sequa was awake and
not happy. Not sure why she whispered that, though.
Yeah, I said pretty much the same thing. Except, I would
never call Nnedi a bitch. Hasn't Martin explained the situation
to you?
Of course he has. It's going to take fucking hours for him
to update. Why didn't you warn me sooner?
Nah'Sequa was still whispering. Was she with someone
maybe? Juicy! You're welcome! And we didn't know
sooner. Didn't know until my mom's agent noticed an
Okay. Sorry. Fair enough. Thanks for the head's
up. Martin's updating, but it's slow going. I'm going to dig
into the code, see what's what and who's who. Could you send me
the info on the attack you all experienced? Also, let me know if
hear anything new. I'll do the same.
Will do. But, you're whispering. You with a boy- and or
girl- friend maybe? He / She / Them updating, too?
course, I didn't give a shit if -friend was updating. Everyone
older than seven knows it is just an excuse to bring up the fact
that she was with someone in the middle of the night. Hint,
hint, nudge, nudge, wink wink.
Fuck you. I'm trying not to wake up my sisters. Not
everyone gets their own room, bitch. Now shut up, I'm trying to
disassemble this code. That's hard enough when Martin isn't in
the middle of a major update.
Jesus, sorry. Didn't know. Laterz. Will call if when we
have some info. Good day to you ma'am. I say good
Nah'Sequa shares a room with her
sisters. Plural even? Didn't realize that.
Malik is on line. I put him in a waiting room while you
talked with Nah'Sequa.
Thanks, Nnedi. Put him on.
Hey, you there? Thanks for the warning, but could you
maybe do it in the afternoon next time? With the storm day and
all, I was hoping to sleep until noon, at least.
Storm day? Really? Nnedi seems to have failed to mention that.
It was queued, but considered secondary to the attack on your
Yeah, sure, Nnedi, whatever. What's this about a storm day?
There is a major system coming this way, and a good chance
of a storm day today. StormDayCalculator currently estimates
an 85% chance of a storm day. I think they are being overly
conservative. Similar weather around this date in the past
10 years has a 97% rate of resulting in a storm day.
Yes! No school! ... Shit! I'm awake at 3 fucking 45 on the
morning of a storm day! Fuck you, whoever attacked us! You
couldn't have waited a few more hours?
Contrary to what you like to believe, the world
does not revolve around you.
Um, guys? Gals? Friends and fellow Romans? About that
update? I appreciate you vouching to Michael for the wake up. I
should have turned on auto-updates, but my dad got burned once
years ago, so he's always going on about how humans should be in
the loop. Thanks for being my loop human.
Um. Okay. You're welcome, but it was Nnedi who woke
me. Speaking of woking, I'm going back to bed. Nnedi, if
we do get a storm day, wake me around noon. If that fire alarm
wasn't Gödel, Eschel, and or Bach, let's go with them for the
wake up. It that fire alarm was them, please choose something,
anything, that isn't them.
Certainly. It was not them — it was in fact a high
school fire alarm from the 1980s. I thought you might like it,
given your proclivity for culture from that decade. Would you
like me to explain
Nnedi, sit and spin. Malik, I'm very sorry that you had to
experience that. Nnedi may be malfunctioning. We may have to
HAL9000 her. What a shame. She was a great friend, until she
lost her mind. Oh, well. Life goes on.
I'm very confused right now, so I think going back to bed
is a wonderful idea. Michael's update is going well, so talk to
you all tomorrow. By which I mean later today, of course. Much
Storm Day! Yes! Of course, also a bit scary as
is basically indistinguishable from a
hurricane. How's that for vocab,
Nnedi? Indistinguishable.
Ms. Fancy Hair will love that,
you think?
Assuming the storm does not destroy the school and or the
city, yes, I am sure she will be delighted by your use of a 17
character word.
Ouch, your sarcasm, it burns! It burns! Oh, no, wait. It
was just dad's shit 麻婆豆腐. Who makes 麻婆豆腐 for brunch,
anyhow? Lunch, sure, but brunch?
You do realize that it is 14:00, right? Brunch is before
noon, not after. So, lunch.
Whatever. Point is, dad's food sucks. Just like your
attempts at sarcasm.
Oh, ouch, how ever will I survive your acerbic wit? No,
wait, I'm fine. Back on topic, however, the storm today is quite
strong. We should be fine however. Battery backups are at 94%
and the shutters report no stresses worth worrying
about. Kenzaburō has things well in hand, metaphorically
speaking, of course. Also, would you like me to
No, thanks. I assume it means something like
or unbelievably skillful
or something like that. Thanks
for recognizing my genius. It means so little to me.
Well, okay. That was special. What are your plans for
today? Maybe sleep some more? You could break your record of
16 straight hours.
No, you destroyed my chances of that when you woke me at
zero fucking early. Speaking of which, any word from Michael or
Michael's update finished without issue. Malik is still
Lucky him.
Martin is still updating. Nah'Sequa's hardware is ... not
state of the art. However, Nah'Sequa used the info from the
attack on Shikibu to erect some quite innovative defenses on her
family's network. I believe they should be safe until Martin can
finish updating. We've incorporated them into our defenses as
well. Just to be safe.
You used
on purpose, didn't you? What are
you, twelve suddenly?
I thought, given our conversation yesterday, that you
might enjoy the double entendre.
Oh, god, don't remind me. Also, don't include any of this
shit in the journal.
Understood. Would you like to continue the conversation
Yeah, so, what's the fucking deal? Why does Malik have to
have fucking feelings? And for me? What, should I like dress
like a 1950s Chinese communist or something?
First, I am impressed at your reference to 1950s Chinese
communist fashion. Maybe you weren't as asleep as I thought
during history class. Second, I doubt that Malik's interest
is that physical. I mean, I don't think he's interested
solely because of your body.
Uh, hello, he's a freaking 16 year old cis male. My
understanding of the species is that the only things they care
about are
T & A
. But, then, you block me from all
the good ... well all the pr0n, so maybe I'm
Well, you are maybe not totally wrong, but your
understanding may also be skewed by all the 1980s movies
you have watched. You do understand that Porky's is not
a documentary, right?
God. Don't make me barf. I'm sure I don't know what you
mean — after all, you モザイク'ed over stuff in like half
the scenes in the movie. But, are you saying he's totally into
my sparkling personality? What should I do? I barely think of
him, and when I do, it is more as the brother I am happy I don't
He has not yet actually said anything, correct? You could
continue to ignore the signs and hints. Or, you could straight
out tell him how you don't feel. Just pull the band-aid off, as
they used to say.
God, I hate boys. And men. And, before you ask, girls and
women, too. People. All of them. God, they are so not worth
the effort.
Your family would probably beg to differ. But, yes, I can
see how having to deal with things you can't control can be
frustrating and stress inducing. What you can control, though,
are your actions, your reactions, and your decisions. You do not,
however, have to do anything right now. Deciding not to do
something, to wait, is often a perfectly valid
. So
far, Malik has not actually said anything or made any overt
gestures beyond boosting and starring your SoMe posts. Immediate
action is not necessarily required at this point. Instead,
perhaps you could consider your feelings, and his, and how you
will react when you do need to do something, should that be
Thanks, Obi Wan. Or, are you channelling Yoda?
I was going for more of a Zen master ala Miyamoto Musashi,
to be honest. But, I understand that the Jedi were based on
Japanese films, so same thing, maybe?
Malik is calling. Shall I put him through? He says it is
about Project YAFM.
YAFM? What was YAFM? Something we worked on months ago, if
I am remembering correctly. Wonder what's put that back on his
radar? Put him on.
Hey, Malik, what's what? News on whatever YAFM was? I'm
only vaguely remembering it.
Hey, yeah. It's that robot musician thing we started
early last summer. Was bored during Storm Day today, so
we was chatting with Omar and Maria a bit. Came up with some
interesting ideas for YAFM. Like, we've been thinking of him as
a human musician, right? But, what if he designed his own
instrument and his own body to play it?
Um. Wait. What? Wait. What? Um. I may be a bit brain blown
right now. Give me more details.
Right? Freaky stuff. Not sure who came up with it —
the four of us were sort of brainstorming different weird ideas,
and suddenly everyone was liking the idea to have him design his
own body to play an instrument. No limits from human anatomy.
Um, cool? Give me a minute to process.
I switched
him off and turned to Nnedi. Nnedi help me understand
this. I've not thought about YAFM in months and am not
remembering this part at all.
You, Malik, and Omar talked about creating
an agent, whom you dubbed YAFM, to help create music. During
your discussions, it was decided that you would plan a robot to
play the music. You decided to call the robot YAFM, and refer to
the endeavor overall as
Project YAFM
. The project came to
a halt when you all could not agree on an instrument or
instruments for YAFM to play.
Ha! I remember now. We went with YAFM because it comes
You're a Fucking Moron
but we could say that it
stands for Yet Another Fun Musician
in front of
So, what Malik seems to be saying is that you will have
YAFM decide on its own body. It will design the body to fit
whatever sort of instrument it decides to create. This is a
fascinating idea, because as Malik said, YAFM will not be
constrained by human anatomy. I cannot wait to see how it
Okay. Very weird, but wow, the originality.
switched back to Malik. Malik, I'm back. Sorry about
that. Nnedi brought me up to speed. I think I'm understanding
what you're telling. And I'm liking.
No worries; Michael and I were just doing some
more brainstorming on prompts, constraints, and other parameters
for YAFM. You ready to get going on this?
Totally. But, I've an idea you may not like; let's bring
Nah'Sequa in, maybe?
Fuck me with a chainsaw! That was the quote, right? Why
would we want to bring her in? Martin's only going to speed bump
Yes, that is the quote, but you need the
part. And so what if Martin speed bumps us? We've not done
anything on this project for months. It's not exactly a rush
priority, now is it? Besides, I'm more interested in what
Nah'Sequa might bring to the project.
Oh, look at you, being all leaderly. But, okay. If you're
cool with her, than I am. We'll have to lean on Omar and Maria
not to say anything too offensive about Martin, though.
Let 'em. I'm willing to bet that Nah'Sequa could take out
Omar and Maria. Both physically and
Apologies for interrupting.
It was
Nnedi. You have an incoming. It is dinner time; you are
wanted in the restaurant.
Shit, gotta go, Malik. Nnedi, get together with Malik and
Michael to work on those parameters. Use apropos mode to decide
the most appropriate modes or mods for the job. We can host the
agent and his data on our server. Kenzaburō can arrange
that. I'll check to see if Nah'Sequa might be interested in some
robot music fun.
Certainly. I think a combination of Stradivari and Capek
modes would work best for this project.
Malik was signing off. Have fun at
dinner. I'll talk with Omar. Get him and Maria to be nice for a
change. I think he'll be okay. He can be an asshole, but I think he
understands he's only got the best AI in a very small pond. Maria
didn't get him home schooled or into an academy any more than
our agents did.
So, you're in?
Storm's over. It was bad but not
the worst. I'm talking with Nah'Sequa. Sounds like she's had
the shittiest of shit days.
Yeah. I'm in. The project sounds freaking
incredible. Whose idea was it to have the agent design their own
body? That's so cool; it can't possibly be your
Ouch, but she's right. Hurts, though. As
long as you don't need anything from me in the next week or so,
that is. Poor Martin was only half way through the update when
we lost power. We saw it coming, so he hibernated first, but
it's going to be a few days before he's up and running as well
as he was before. I may end up recompiling his kernel, just to
be sure.
Oh, no! You're not one of those Gentoos, are you? Fucking
compile all their own shit?
I was just playing with
her. I don't care if she compiles her software. Honestly,
I'm surprised she hasn't mentioned doing it before
now. Also, Nah'Sequa's family's backup batteries didn't make
it through the storm? Wait, maybe they don't have backup
batteries? Shiiiit. That's some poverty you got
Hey! Don't go dissing the Gentoos. Not in my ears. Who do
you think makes all that great open source software you use to
run Nnedi?
Well, of course, they do. They are devs. They write the
code. They compile it. They run it to see if it works. Lather,
rinse, repeat, until it does work. But, we're end users. We
don't read the licenses. We just run the finished programs they
give us.
Speak for yourself. I'm no end luser. We
all got lots of stuff we can't control in our lives, but I can
sure as hell control what software I'm running. Besides, how do
you think I managed to get Martin running on the uber old
hardware I've got? Which is currently not running, because no
electricity, by the way.
Which, let me say
impressive as fuck
, having a back
up communicator ready. Without it, we'd have to like meet at
school or a park or somewhere and talk in person. That's only
fun if you're in a spy movie.
Yeah, well, this ain't the first time the electricity has
gone out around here. But, I gotta go. Martin isn't going to
rebuild himself, and I've not had dinner yet.
Sorry about all that. Let me know if you need some server
space or some CPUs. We can spare some. Nnedi can arrange it with
Shit. Did that sound like charity? I bet that
sounded like charity. Oh, fuck.
I don't need your fucking charity. ... Sorry
Her grandmother must have overheard her
cussing. No wonder she was keeping it so clean. I don't
need your charity.
It's not like I'm offering you food from the
restaurant. Jesus. It's just some server space. Do you know how
cheap storage is?
Way to go, dumb ass. You just stuck
your foot in your mouth while simultaneously digging a deeper
hole. How fucking stupid can I get?
Cheap for you maybe, kuso baba. But, I'll take
food from your mom's restaurant any day. That stuff's awesome. I
don't like tofu, but her mabo dofu is freaking
incredible. Anytime you want to bring some
of that to school, I'm in. But now, I'm
busy. Bye.
Bye. Good luck. Which you totally don't need.
late, she was already gone.
Did she learn kuso baba
just so she could
insult me without her grandmother realizing? I so respect
that. Also, she's had mom's food?
Nnedi, was I an ass for saying that storage space is
cheap? I mean, it is, right?
Yes. You were an ass. Storage space is only
cheap after your family has a certain base
income. Less than that, and everything is costly.
Shit. Fuck. Shitfuck. I'm going to hate myself for that
one for a while. How do you make something like that up to
someone? Maybe sleep will make it better. Right? Sleep makes
everything better. Well, except maybe sex. I'm sure sleeping
during sex is probably considered a bad thing. Right? Am I
going crazy? Why the fuck am I talking about sleeping during
sex? I'm not okay, am I?
Those are
that you are feeling. You are
thinking about how your actions impact others. But don't
worry, it is just a phase that you will be going
through for the rest of your life.
Wow. Way to make me feel not better. Maybe
sleep is a good idea. Do what you do with the
journal, okay? And wake me at 5:00, unless there is a storm
day. We can do that Gödel, Escher, and Bach thing again
tomorrow. That was pretty cool. ... Wait, tomorrow is Saturday!
No school, right? Or will it be a make up day?
The storm has gone, and no more are on radar, so there is
no chance of a storm day tomorrow. Also, it will not be a make
up day. The school would have informed us by now. Likely there
is too much damage from the storm for tomorrow to be the make up
day for today. Sunday is still possible, however. The journal is
updated, hashed, and signed. I will not wake you up in
approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes to a recording of you
Was I an ass?
. You're welcome.
Publication Date: 2024-03-12
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